There are various ways you can support Sidings Community Centre and all methods of support play a significant role in allowing us to continue the services and activities we provide. Truly, every little helps. These methods include:
Online Giving
The easiest way to make a donation to Sidings Community Centre is by visiting our Just Giving page where you can choose the option of making a one-off donation or supporting us monthly. You could even organise an event and create your own fundraising page to help us raise even more money. We’ll be happy to help you with ideas and suggestions, or promotional materials.
If you’re a regular online shopper, you can also donate to us regularly by using Easy Fundraising. Simply register with Easy Fundraising and choose Sidings Community Centre as your cause, then search for your favourite retailers, and make a purchase then every time you buy something via Easy Fundraising the retailer makes a donation to us as a thank you. Visit Easy Fundraising today to set up your account or contact us for more information.
Other ways to help
Volunteering to help out at community and promotional events, taking part in sponsored events, donating prizes or goods for fund-raising stalls or raffles, making suggestions for new fund-raising ventures, leafleting for fundraising events, and helping on stalls when they happen.
Consider Nominating the Centre for donation schemes – but please ask us first!
If you have professional fund-raising skills – become a member and discuss your offer to help with the Centre Manager and Trustees.
If you are an employee in an industry or company which offers to help small charities like ours, think of putting the centre forward as a recipient – again check with us first please as any fund-raising venture carried out in our name must be approved by us although we welcome the opportunity to work in partnership with local businesses.
Make a donation of money or goods! Donations don’t have to be big – every £1 here and there always counts. Whilst we cannot accept any second-hand electrical goods, other goods can help. Donations of good quality furniture from offices, hotels or conference centres can be an extremely effective way of reducing our costs in replacing worn-out chairs and tables.
Become a member
Becoming a centre member is a low-cost, instant and easy way to demonstrate support for the centre. Having an active membership base is a good sign that the centre is supported by its users. We would encourage and welcome all our users to take out membership which also entitles you to receive regular news and updates, and notice of significant news or consultation on local matters. Members also get 10% of any private hire fee if the occasion arises. Further benefits in the future may also arise. You will get invitations to meetings about the centre, including the AGM where you can vote.
Membership Fees (renewable annually around December):
Adult Individual – waged: £5
Adult Individual – unwaged: £2
If you are interested in becoming a member please contact: or phone the main office on 0207 625 6260
Become a Trustee
Like any local registered Charity, Sidings relies on its voluntary Board of Trustees to help steer the direction and make decisions on matters of governance. Sidings is a Registered Charity (297095) and Company Limited by Guarantee (2139909). Anyone who wants to join the Board of Trustees (or Management Committee) can express an interest and be given one of our “Becoming a Trustee at Sidings” packs – which explains the key responsibilities of being a Trustee, and the process of getting elected.
The Board is interested in recruiting people with a range of skills and interests and a genuine desire to support the centre in developing its role within the community. At Sidings we want all Trustees to find their experience rewarding and interesting, and Trustees can expect to be given information about centre activities and key documentation to help make decisions. Training can be arranged for those wanting to develop their governance skills and increase their knowledge and awareness of the role and responsibilities of being a Trustee. Trustees can expect to attend between 6 – 8 meetings a year (approximately 2 hrs in length). Expenses can be paid for out-of-pocket expenses incurred – e.g. travel costs, childcare.
If you are interested in becoming a trustee please contact: or phone the main office on 0207 625 6260
By offering to volunteer
Please see our section on “Volunteering and Student Placement” if you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the centre.
By promoting and representing the centre positively to others
Our users can still help support us by promoting the centre and its services to others in a positive way when the opportunity arises. In marketing terms, this is known as “unsolicited support” – which counts bundles in terms of positive profiling and imaging for the centre. It creates a strong image which will help the centre in lots of different ways.
By expressing your support for user feedback in consultation exercises
Give us your case studies and positive feedback if you think that the centre has helped you or members of your family. This enables the centre to demonstrate that it has had a positive impact on the lives of those in the community which can help retain and attract funding. So – thank you to all of you who we know have already done this – your stories are both rewarding and interesting and are a source of encouragement to staff and volunteers to keep going!
Social Media
“Like us” on Facebook – a simple and easy way to show the centre has a strong support base! It’s quick and free.
Follow us on Twitter:
Follow us on Instagram:
Main Centre: Sidingsscc Youth: Sidingsyp